Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Services

Higher Healing Herbal Institute is back in the swing of things. We have been on a much needed break working in other areas and now I'm ready to continue building an awareness of the Natural Health and Healing available through herbs.

To Jump Start this New program I am offering a FREE Natural Health Analysis and Lifestyle Assessment for the rest of this month! You may schedule an appointment for any Monday, Wednesday or Friday in

January and I will provide you with your personal, one on one individualized Assessment and Natural Health Plan. The cold and flu season is upon us and I'm sure you want to get a good Jump Start on it.

New Tabs***

There is now a "Services" tab as well as a "Calendar" tab for your convenience. Be sure to check the "Calendar" tab for upcoming events. The "Natural Health Course" tab has also been updated. I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you and I pray you continue to have Wholistic Healing from the Inside --- Out!

To schedule your appointment for a FREE Natural Health Analysis and Lifestyle Assessment:

Phone: 404-254-1454


Skype Name: Higher Healing

Add the word "Consultation" in your "subject" line and I will respond with all the necessary forms and appointment info.


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